
As Ilhas Afortunadas

"Que voz vem no som das ondas
Que não é a voz do mar?
E a voz de alguém que nos fala,
Mas que, se escutarmos, cala,
Por ter havido escutar.

E só se, meio dormindo,
Sem saber de ouvir ouvimos
Que ela nos diz a esperança
A que, como uma criança
Dormente, a dormir sorrimos.

São ilhas afortunadas
São terras sem ter lugar,
Onde o Rei mora esperando.
Mas, se vamos despertando
Cala a voz, e há só o mar."

Fernando Pessoa


Energy of the Week - Vayishlach

notes from Zohar Class with Michael Berg

Consciousness is everything
To draw the work spiritual giants had already done is necessary to go back to the stories and connect to it.
What inspires us this week?
Reading from the statement by Rav Ashlag "Out of 1000 people who are in a spiritual path only 1 complete it"
We need to push ourselves to create the desire to complete it. Kabbalah needs to be what drive us to completion.

After Jacob ran away from his house to find his soul mate at the house of the most evil man at that time, Lavan, and goes back to meet his brother Esav. Its a fight between two forces Jacob= light x Esav= desire to receive for the self alone. We need assistance to win this battle ourselves
the Creator sent Jacob his angels to protect him in all of his ways.

How do we achieve this protection? We need the support of the light.

The Creator sent Jacob many angels. No one can achieve his goals alone, we need supernal assistance. Angels= different energies that protect a person. Jacob became protected thought his spiritual work, the angels came to him.

When the Shrimah (god's female energy) came to rest in Jacob that's when angels came to him to protect him in his battle. Angels cannot come on their own. we cant have protection without the angels. You need to have Shrimah first.

How do we bring Shrimah?
- Through transformation and restriction. Every selfish, anger action let Shrimah leave us, and the angels leave with her. Every action of restriction (going against your nature) draws angels. It's impossible to bring sustenance and protection without the work. When we get angry we force Shrimah to leave us and angels leave with her. The only way to have it is through our daily work.

Extra actions of sharing and restriction draws Shrimah and angels strongly.

"For its angels he command to you" When Jacob comes to meet Esav.
"There are more forces of angels in us than in them" We need to be aware of their existence so they can support us. The knowledge gives you the assistance of a stronger protection.

"Better to be low and have him (negative side) as a servant than to have honor and respect and have no connection to the creator"

The negative side constantly wants to pull us down. Sadness=disconnection.

To the extent you push your ego down you can control the forces of darkness, to have dominion over the negative side. When you find ways to diminish your ego, if you do that constantly you can control the forces of darkness. Negative side cannot have any force upon us. If we allow our ego to raise the negative side takes control over us.

"Better to be low and have him (negative side) as a servant than to have honor and respect and have no connection to the creator"

The only way that anyone can be 1 in 1000 is if everyday you think you are lower than them. Desire to achieve this level. Why Jacob had angels giving gifts to Esav? To grow Esav's ego. At the end of the battle Esav's ego was so big that his life force went away and he only hugged Jacob and kissed him.

When you constantly push your ego down it becomes your servant.

After the battle Jacob was left alone. Jacob was coming from a very high point of his work and found himself alone. His protection was gone, he had moments of doubt. Why?

Any time we feel doubt it's a necessary part before a great revelation. Do I give up up or should I push forward?
If you continue to push even when there's doubt it will be much greater. MOMENTS OF DOUBT ARE A GREAT INDICATION WE ARE ABOUT TO RECEIVE A BLESSING. The Creator is telling you get ready, keep pushing. If you give up you will miss the opening. Before any great revelation you are left alone. It's a call, there's an opening coming to you. PUSH GREATER!

Every time you pray, every time you talk, nothing comes to waste. Every word that comes out of our mouth is a spiritual entity and it doesn't come to waste, an energy it's created. Every action also creates this energy to support you.

Jacob saw the angel as a person. Anything that comes to us are angels manifestations of our work, even if it looks dark we are given assistance by the angels.
How can we see the positive angel in a person that says something bad to us? It's a connection we had created before that comes back to us.
How do we interact with our angels - If we see it as a man we are low, if we see it as an angel we need to hug it. If you accept it as an angel and hug him you add this angel to your army. Do I see him as an angel coming to help me? If yes, he joins your army. See external people as angels and we hug them we elevate ourselves to complete our connection.


"As the statues indicate, she impersonated the reproductive powers of men and of animals and of all other life.
She lived in Nature; she was everywhere wherever there was life, the mother of all living things; all offerings of every possible nature were therefore acceptable to her; hence, the vast wealth which poured into her temple."