
História do Espaço / The Story of Space

Quando você disse que você ia me fazer perguntas esquisitas e eu fiquei pensando nas respostas profundas, nos diálogos, como você reagiria nessas situações, e seu rosto. Eu tive a presença tua, nas histórias passadas, em atuações de chegada e transições. Seu rosto brilha intocável.
Voltar nas cenas não é fácil. As evidências se anulam. Pensar em você me afasta do tempo em queda livre. A gente voa junto. Procuro-te em sonhos, tento achar saídas para dizer o quanto te amo. Me afasto assustada, menina e lobo selvagem. Uma incapacidade absurda, uma história divertida, você vai gostar.
Eu não sei de muitas coisas, para que. É diferente pensar como sou em corpo alheio. Ele me faz muitas perguntas de como acho que sou, se tenho auto consciencia. Eu nunca respondi não sei quem sou. Quero muito, mais. Outros desejos me assombram. Das manifestações mutantes, que faíscam e são lunares. A gente se conhece de longe e tão rápido, ha décadas. Acho que fui sua mãe, voce meu amante, em vidas distintas. Te fiz sofrer a maior glória, a de quando nos reencontrarmos. Ainda assim tenho medo do tempo. Tenho preguiça do medo e medo maior da dúvida.
Aquele menino vivia num filme dentro de sua cabeça e para mim. Não saber nada sobre algo e conviver intensamente. A vida saturniana e real, a gente também falava em pensamentos. Ele ia somando qualidades dela e tudo virava um só infinito entre os dois, de vez em quando. Ele sabe que escondo coisas, eu o disse, pelo menos sabe.
Tudo que me faz lembrar de ti. Além é uma palavra. Não era mais de entender, meus olhos já sentiam o cheiro do mar e brilhavam no rosa do céu. Eu via além. Era você. E a gente tem medo. Sempre achei incomodo falar de você. Cortar as coisas no meio e recombina-las.
Comecei a entender oque você dizia, a experiência mística. E ainda não acho confortável assinar meu nome. Não queria mudar tanto de assunto, misturo as coisas, a gente se escapa. As vezes quero que entenda, as vezes não. A gente sabe de algo que pode mudar a sua vida, a trilha sonora do seu filme. Você me acompanha. O tamanho do seu amor me mata. Preciso de seu veneno como um vício ébri----o, como te receber... drogas compravéis nao me satisfassem mais manifeste-se logo. Imagino que saiba o quanto. Me apareça eterno e de verdade. Chamado a Deus, me ajude. Hei de ser a rainha das questões difíceis. Agradeço a intensidade e gozo, mas peço-lhe ajuda. Diga que me ama com todas as letras e me sequestre para uma ilha deserta de água do mar turquesa e cristalina. Das sombras de vento fresco, aroma de limão siciliano, altas montanhas húmidas de águas de côco, me sufoque de amor feliz e superlativo.
Hoje você não saiu de casa, e aguardo enfadada. Não se engane com os hologramas do diabo, não há mais escapatória. Será que sabes que hei de partir em breve. Será que se importa. O que anda a pensar, ser que não conheço. O quanto me amas, o quanto se arrasatas e me respira. Te respiro fatalmente como éter. Minha ventura é a dose de seus beijos.

When you said you'd ask me weird questions and I was thinking about the profound answers, the dialogues, how would you react in those situations, and your face. I had your presence in the past histories, the acts of arrival and transitions. Your face shines untouched.
To be back in the scenes is not that easy. Evidence vanish. Thinking of you keeps me in free fall time. We fly together. I'd be looking for you in dreams, try to find solutions to say how much I love you. I shy away, the girl and the wild wolf. An absurd inability, a fun story, I think you'd like.
I do not know many things, why so. It is different in body as I am thinking of others. It makes me think of how many questions I am, if I'm self conscience. I never said I do not know who I am. I do want much, more. Other desires haunt me. Manifestations of the mutants, which are lunar and sparkle. We are known far and so fast for decades. I think I was your mother, you my lover in different lives. I made you suffer the greatest glory, when we meet again. Still afraid of the time. I'm lazy and fear of fear greater the doubt.
That boy lived in a movie inside your head and me. Not knowing anything about something and live intensely. The Saturnian and real life, we also talked about thoughts. He was adding her qualities and everything turned one between two infinites, from time to time. He knows things that I hide, I told you at least know.
Everything reminds me of you. In addition it is a word. There was more to understand, my eyes have felt the smell of the sea rose and shone in the sky. I saw beyond. It was you. And we are afraid. I always felt uncomfortable talking about you. Cut things in half and recombine them.
I began to understand WHAT you say, the mystical experience. And do not think comfortable signing my name. I did not want to change both the subject, mix things, we escape. I understand that sometimes, sometimes not. We know something that can change your life, the soundtrack of his film. You follow me. The size of his love kills me. I need your poison as a drunken man ---- the addiction, how do you get... purchasable drugs dont satisfy me more to manifest itself soon. I imagine you know how much. I appear eternal and true. Called God, help me. I will be the queen of difficult issues. I appreciate the intensity and enjoyment, but please help. Say you love me with all the letters and kidnap me to a desert island water crystal clear turquoise sea. From the shades of fresh wind scent of lemon, high mountains moist coconut water, smother me with love and happy superlatives.
Today you did not leave the house, and look bored. Do not be fooled by holograms of the devil, there's no escape. Did you know that I will soon leave. Do not care. What way thinking goes, unless you do not know. How much do you love me, how much you and I breathe. Inevitably as you breathe ether. My happiness is the dose of your kisses.
I try to find pictures of myself that I like and i feel a sense of desperation of you. Wanna care so much, but i dont know how, show me what I should do, Im almost choking, I cry. You stole me, tied me in red wool you, it's time to go I don't wanna miss you. Someone explain me why did it have to be like this I'm so completely blind and whole, I could never forget you. I don't know who you are. You are that part of me, dont ask any questions. D


POK II with Eitan Yardeni class 9

If a person is a great driver but doesn’t know if it’s green light or red light, if his not aware of the environment, then he is actually not a great driver. There are windows of opportunity that lift my destiny to another realm.
Astrology= certain influences in our life. We need to take advantage of them. The Zodiac have body and soul, good and bad influences. We need to overcome the bad.
Energy of the day: Physical reality is a manifestation of the metaphysical. Different energies according to the time.
Dawn to noon = morning – Energy of beginning. Sharing, right column. If I’m lazy at the beginning of the day it affects the whole day. Inject energy of empowerment and initiation. Best time for scanning the Zohar is in the morning.
When a person goes to sleep the soul leaves the body, only impurity stays. Around the hands there is impurity, that’s why cabbalist wash their hands (1% fragmented part of the body) first thing when they wake up. We wash our hands proactively with a vessel. Meditation in the morning is to build our conciousness. Intention to add value in the beginning of the day
Afternoon – midday until stars come out – more negative part of the day. We need to stay away from our negativity.
Night – stars to midnight – desire to receive
Midnight to dawn – every cabbalist will learn and meditate for assistance for the sake of sharing. We need to take control = inject consciousness at the right time.
WEEK – 7 days (7 levels of consciousness)
Sunday – positive time to start new things. Energy of giving.
Monday- not so good to start (left column energy)
Tuesday – (central column) very positive.
Friday – very positive
New moon – very good energy.
The first 15 days of the month are more positive. Tikkun is easier. Moon ascending, energy ascending. One day before the last day of the month is very good.
Shabbat – consciousness of humanity going to embryonic state. I let the light charge me. Stay away of the 1%. Receive additional soul. Just by being around Friday night until Saturday morning. Rejuvenation.
Every full moon is very positive.
Rosh Hashanah – the head of the year. Between R H and Yom Kippur the physical destiny of the year
Pass over, full moon of aries- determines the quality of my life – Joy, happiness. Plant the seed for the year.
Cosmic openings, we all receive infusion of light to brake our negativity.


"I was now so much bigger that I could not see myself anymore. As big as a landscape in the distance. I was in the distance. More perceptible in my ultimate mountains and in my most remote rivers. How can I say it, if not timidly like this: life is itself myself. Life is itself myself, and I don't understand what I say. And then I adore"

- Clarice