Little town houses, military green, navy blue sun blinds, clearly pure no brands view. Square places, basketball and hoquey. Mobile phone is a friend and citizen too. Local people play in water fountains, the sun is lighting the plazas. The movies are a free time option. Kids slide toy scooters crossing together happy sunny people. Bright strawberries fruit stand; books, yellowish used pages, hippie, slack-inspired street art along the sidewalk. Retro, stylish clothing. Black and white Marilyn Monroe posters. Free people, sounds like Jazz.
Moreover, town houses, young crowd. Yellow taxis cut the streets like raindrops in a storm. People crossing over little dogs. French bulldogs, chiwawas. Magazines, images, music: brands. 14st. More crowded, person packed, large buildings, bicycles welcome, brick stone relevant occupancy. Classical post war edification, charming gothic Church, nostalgic constructions inspiring me the past when I didn’t exist. Big department stores, venues; older, mid-aged people.
Non personal environment. Seldom Parking Lots, they are here. Ceasing edifices, local stores, mini asian owner shops, delis. Glasses above reflecting other buildings façade, windows floating among the skies. Brick glasses. W32 Out people. Waves of long skyline shapes. Super models obsession. Irresistible objects of desire. Enormous model faces. A catwalk being watched by the big bosses buildings.
Horizon ahead. Bank, green view, bench square, library in the garden. Declare your style. Vote for Fashion. It seems the new, the different, fits in here. The colors may match, complementary or analog, each with its own feeling. Grey façade. Yards, dark square glasses, tiny people. Offices, day job, power, concrete wildness, working people. Little dark glasses coming up reflecting sun rays. Lights, hot dog stands, stairs, street fair. Art sculptures share the air. Gentle reminders of the other side.
Hotels, tourists. Bicycles, imponent horses, red wagons. Oasis urging its place. A place to breath, a place to forget, a place to remember. Children, green pathways, they all want to gaze the garden. benches, mountain tops. Ice cream parlor. Sunday walk in the park, Central Park. Picnic with birds singing the worship to nature. The silver globe, the center of the universe. Serendipity.
Smaller, redish, orange buildings taking a tan outside with saccades. Shapes of sun on the sidewalk brightens the shades of the green island among the highway. Outdoor food places – more local people. They chat, eat, each one with its own individuality that borders them from one another – the sky is highly above, confronting us.
Traffic. Beautiful Sunday dresses. Better people versus cars? Trees still, people sitting on benches looking at the sun, people taking a walk around like there’s no other day in life. They walk with no such destination as if they were in the middle of the hot, infinite desert. The movies. Neighbors atmosphere, residential buildings – sharing stress, sharing rooms, sharing breath – fancy classical castles. From here you can see the edges of the island, the river at left, the heart at right. Quilty atmosphere, flower places old lady caring her cart. Empty streets, gorgeous cathedral, grass watches the park follows the street. People standing on the grass, park avenues, the cars are driven under and between the trees, poor grass, so strange feeling. The machine talking to nature, they react together, here they share the same purpose: the passage.
Little trendy retro cars parked on the streets and rollerblades, looks more like a forgotten secret jungle. The trees and the water meet, they seem happy to be close to each other and create the continuous life cycle. Families come here, because they also represent the embodied full cycle and feel identified inside it. Stunning column monument – I don’t know what is it about, but it’s placement already amazed me. It must be very imposing to worth it. Trees all around. The park follows the street all the way. Up and down crossing streets, water fountains, magic forest; blue butterflies and fairies.
I seem unhanding, corrupting the clear and strong pureness with the choleric concrete virus, bad blood running its veins. Here I am, in the middle of the jungle, crossing it, within it.
Children play happy in the amusement park. Green reigns this place, here is enormous, is freedom. Big blocks of grass for people to gather and do nothing. Asian excursion.
The bridge bounding it’s separate organs, the water surrounds the city like a shield. Dispersed buildings. African American – local stores; food market; hostile faces. Smaller city inside another – a miniature city. A town cut in half buildings. Big calling earrings, hats, concealing top of the head; for it looks tougher. Fabrics floating in the wind, colorful lots of little gadgets hanging out of little stores. Awkward air, market shopping bags hanging small buildings. Fluor greenish browns, carts, bags, purses, shinny yellow plastic balls, old leather shoes, trinkets, flower stamped skirts, bananas, potatoes, necklaces, pink candy bars. Village atmosphere; awnings segregate spaces in between, latin singer posters, colored towels, blanquettes.
I see Liberty in the sun.
2 comentários:
Fenomenal... consegui sentir muito, di. SENTIR acho que eh o efeito da escrita que mais amo. dom. obrigada. e na troca das alegrias espero que essa seja uma daquelas que volta pra voce e se multiplica.
Idem! Muito bom, mesmo.
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