POK II with Eitan Yardeni class VI
THE POWER OF PRAYER – Asking for Help.
Kabbalah has tools and technology to connect with the light. The light is always there.
Three column system like the bulb -> Positive pole= giving / Filament = restriction of the ego, reactive behavior / Negative pole = desire
Without the left column I can’t draw the light. We need to ask for it. I need a vessel, a container to draw the light = Will, Desire.
We need to apply restriction with our desire. To have the desire to overcome Satan I need help. Somehow I don’t have the strength despite the fact I wanna do it. For the blessings to be continuously the price is more restriction and it has to be for the sake of sharing. Without the light I can’t do it.
For non of us things are easy in every area of our lives, I’m not smart enough to do everything. Without the light I cant do it. 99% of the blessings that happen to us is the light. Ego is a small vessel. The idea of spiritual connection is building the desire for the light to assist me in any area of my life. I NEED HELP.
Worry= looking for solutions in my own brain. We need to open our heart beyond logic. Where do I need help?
The confidence I have with the light give me endless potential. When we are down we are too focused with one think that we forget to ask for help.
I need technology to make a connection. If I wanna call a friend that lives in Australia it’s not enough to have the desire, I need the technology, the telephone.
The light is infinite but in order to connect to it it has to be reduced to a level that I can handle it. Ancient kabbalist gave us wires to connect. The Hebrew letters are the bridge between the physical and the metaphysical. Hebrew= to transmit.
Babel Tower= negative control power. 2 secrets 1- unity 2- Hebrew letters. How to communicate with negative forces. Technology to access the 99% realm.
Why can’t a woman that dyes her hair stay blond forever? Because it’s not at in her DNA.
Metaphysical DNA = how big is my ego, how big is my desire, etc. Each one has a different process, a different belief system, a different spiritual DNA.
How can I change the DNA in the seed level?
Little changes in the DNA makes all the difference. Like the computer that works only with 0 and 1, each combination leads to a different path, the messages are infinite. Different sequences create different realities. When you combine the Hebrew letters you get infinite blessings. It’s about the energy of the letters. The eyes are the window of the soul, we just don’t see, we absorb the energy. One of the strongest tools to let the light in is using specific combination of letters.
The Zohar = Book of Splendor it’s about interpreting the 5 books of Moses, decoding the stories of the Torah. Connecting with the 8th level, Binah. Connecting with my perfect state. The light manifest itself in a way or another.
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