
Zohar Portion of the Week - Noach Vol II

From all the 4 for kingdoms - inanimate, vegetable, animal and human - humans are the only with free will. We affect all the other kingdoms.
If we go according to the law we create protection.

The Noach Arch - Protection against the flood

Flood= chaos, hate, economic issues, environmental problems, ego. The flood was caused by all our negativity.
The arch is consciousness of protection in the world of imbalance. The words of the Zohar are he arch of our generation.

Before the flood came (before Abraham) things were very easy to the people. It says that whenever you planted a seed, the seed would give 40 years of plantation.
The seed of all negativity is laziness- the moment I dont grab opportunity to do the right thing. Gradually i will develop ego, i will become a victim.

Noach created the arch in 120 years, he tried to advise the people, but they were too easy and comfortable.

Water is energy of mercy, love. Flood is energy of chaos and destruction. The people were not bad but love can be manifested in different ways, like sex without limitation or idol worshiping.

They were still respectful but the destruction came when they got jealous of each other and started stealing other people. That will cause destruction. Any time we are self absorbed we will hurt other people. Any kind of selfishness will end up hurting others.

How do we build the arch?
Noach didn't see the water, he saw the angel of death. To be in protection i need to be afraid to be connected with the angel of death. If I am not afraid to be surrounded by negativity I will be pulled by this. I will never be able to maintain protection. I can easely be pulled by the forces of chaos.

Noach was busy all day long feeding his animals, constantly busy outside himself.

1 Unity
2 Same mission
3 Know the hebrew letters

When people reach a place of unity and single mission nothing can stop them to accomplish anything.
The Center is a bubble of protection - people with same mission and unity, bigger than my own issues, - that's when im connected with the Noach arch. When the priority is to affect change in the world is one of the main ingredients to be connected with the protection shield. To affect change in the world through unity, with a mission that become my priority.
Desire to shift my consciousness.

In orderto be protected I need to plug in to the energy field.Shift the consciousness that the mission is my priority

Another ingridient: that i can learn from everyone from my environment, I see that everyone can teach me something, help me. Something to contribute with me. Learn from everyone.

Noach was liked by God an than by people. To know that you have the same mission as your environment the indication is that if you are liked. Being liked by the right people is not the main concern. The big concern is to connect with the light, than i will attract people that like me. Do= being busy outside myself for the sake of revealing light.
- run away from my ego

Helping others can be tricky, if when i help other and seek return it came from the ego. We need to help for the sake of connecting with the light. Giving regardeless if they thank you or not.

The light is always there. We need to lean on something - We lean on the light!

I need to run away from my ego. If im not seeing layers of my ego everyday it means im not running away from my ego. More im busy sharing more i can runaway from my ego.

The protection comes when im in the process. Righteous people know they have a lot more to grow.

Why do I help other people? Because is opportunity for me to connect with the light.
The only way to do things with love for a long time is when i know the return is in the light.

Connecting with the light is a trust.

Um comentário:

El Compostero disse...

very nice stuff..